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Marcon, Giulio

Sono nato a Roma nel 1959, e sono originario della provincia di Gorizia, da dove i miei genitori sono emigrati negli anni ’50. Sono laureato in filosofia. Fin dall’adolescenza faccio politica dal basso: prima nel movimento studentesco, poi nel pacifismo degli anni ’80, nelle...

Marlow, Cameron

I am a research scientist and "in-house sociologist" at Facebook. My research focuses on various aspects of online communities including the diffusion of information across online social networks, access to information and social capital, and the incentives that impact social media...

Martin, Steven P.

Steven Martin joined the Department of Sociology as an assistant professor in Fall 2000 after completing his Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin – Madison.  His main area of research interest is social demography, and his teaching specialties are statistics, methods, and family...

Mathieu, Laurence

Laurence Mathieu is a researcher at eftec. She has several years’ experience working on economics of natural resources and fisheries management. She is experienced in valuation methods, project appraisal, and statistical analysis, and has worked in both developed and developing countries...

Matzat, Uwe

Research interests especially: online interaction, social control on the internet, social consequences of the internet, knowledge sharing in online settings, the internet and academic communication, methods of online data collection in general: problems of cooperation and social order,...

McDermott, Monica

Monica McDermott is an assistant professor of Sociology, affiliated with African & African American Studies, the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity and the program on Urban Studies. Her research focuses upon the ways in which race and class interact in the contemporary United...

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