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Leigh, Andrew

A father of two sons, Sebastian and Theodore, Andrew lives with his wife Gweneth in Hackett. Prior to being elected in 2010 as the federal member for Fraser, Andrew was a professor of economics at the Australian National University. Andrew has written extensively on a range of subjects, including...

Lenhart, Amanda

Amanda directs the Pew Internet & American Life Project's research on teens, children and families. Her other research interests include education, gaming, and networked communication tools like mobile phones, social networks, blogging and microblogging. For her research about and...

Letki, Natalia

Dr Natalia Letki (Oxon) is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Sociology. She is interested in political behaviour of citizens and political elites, especially in the context of systemic transformation. She is also interested in social capital, social trust, membership in voluntary...

Leyden, Kevin

Kevin M. Leyden (Ph.D., Iowa 1992), is a Professor of Political Science and Director of West Virginia University’s Institute for Public Affairs and currently an invited Honorary Research Professor of Social Science & Public Policy at the Centre for Innovation and Structural Change (CISC...

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