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Lilienfeld, Scott

Scott Lilienfeld is a clinical psychologist and Professor of Psychology at Emory University in Atlanta. Scott earned his bachelor's degree in psychology from Cornell University and his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. His principal areas of research are personality...

Lin, Nan

Nan Lin (born 1938 in Chongqing, China) is the Oscar L. Tang Family Professor of Sociology of the Trinity College, Duke University. He is most notable for his research and writing on social networks and social capital. Books Social Capital: Advances in Research (Tentative title), edited by...

Loewenstein, George

I received my Ph.D. in economics, but my intellectual affinities lie at the border between economics and psychology. Much of my work brings psychological considerations to bear on models and problems that are central to economics. My primary research focus is on intertemporal choice--decisions...

Madden, Mary

Mary’s research for the Project has covered the evolution of online music and video, the rise of social media, and teenagers’ use of communication technologies. Her other research interests include intellectual property issues online, podcasting, online identity management, online...

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