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Social capital in Europe: a geographical perspective. The social and economic networks of trust for territorial development

The fourth EUGEO (Association of Geographical Societies in Europe) Congress will take place in Rome, 5-7 September 2013. Researchers and experts from all over the world are invited to submit proposals for the presentation of their research within one of the following sessions. A session is devoted to Social capital in Europe: a geographical perspective. The social and economic networks of trust for territorial development". The session is organized by Isabella Santini and Maria Felice Arezzo (Sapienza University of Rome).

If you are interested in participating, please submit an abstract of no more than 250 words by filling in this form and send it to the session organizers using the corresponding email only before Aprilh 30 2013. No one may submit or take part in more than two presentations.

Call for papers

According to the most widely accepted definition suggested by the World Bank Social Capital Initiative Program research group (Grootaert and van Bastelaer, 2001 and 2002) social capital includes the institutions, the relationships, the attitudes and values that govern interactions among people and contribute to economic and social development. This definition encompasses economic, social and political aspects [Coleman (1988, 1990); Putnam et al. (1993); Olson (1982) and North (1990)] and implies that socio-economic and institutional relationships (that is the social and economic networks of trust) can foster economic development and improve both the quality of the territorial context where households live and the welfare of the whole population. There is growing theoretical and empirical evidence that social capital contributes significantly to development outcomes and its role as a major determinant of economic growth increases its implications in social and economic policy. In this context, development is in its widest sense (growth, equity, environment conditions, health and poverty status). This session is open to all those who want to present original contributions to social capital literature providing new insights on the role of social capital in socio-economic development at territorial level. The papers can be either theoretical and applied and should focus on European countries. Paper dealing with cross-country comparisons are particularly appreciated.

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