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The New School

The New School prepares students to understand, contribute to, and succeed in a rapidly changing society, and thus make the world a better and more just place. We will ensure that our students develop both the skills a sound liberal arts education provides, and the competencies essential for...

The Relational Thinking network

The Relational Thinking network is a growing movement of individuals and organisations committed to exploring and developing a relational perspective on life. Building on several books and numerous other publications from the early 1990s onwards, this approach puts human relationships at the heart...

The State of the USA

The State of the USA works to help the American people better assess for themselves the progress of the United States, providing scientifically selected measures, supporting statistical data and appropriate editorial context. A nonprofit and nonpartisan institution, SUSA collaborates with the...

The Times Higher Education

Times Higher Education is the UK’s most authoritative source of information about higher education. Designed specifically for professional people working in higher education and research, Times Higher Education was founded in 1971 and has been online since 1995. Times Higher Education is...

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