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Södertörn University, Stockholm Centre on Health of Societies in Transition

In 1997, Södertörn University initiated the formation of a network of researchers in the greater Stockholm area interested in issues of social change and health in Eastern Europe. This network is named SCOHOST, the Stockholm Centre on Health of Societies in Transition. Its main purpose...

Sogang University

Sogang university was established by the Society of Jesus to provide an education based on Catholic belief and inspired by the Jesuit educational philosophy, in conformity with the Korean tradition of education. Sogang University's goal is to educate the whole human person on foundations of...

Sole 24 Ore

Il Sole 24 Ore è il principale quotidiano economico italiano.

Sophia University

Progetto Sophia si configura come un percorso di vita, di studio e di ricerca che permette di acquisire e costantemente approfondire una cultura cristianamente ispirata, capace d’illuminare e innervare le molteplici dimensioni dell’umano e le diverse discipline. Si propone perci...

Sorbonne University, Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne

The Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne (CES - Sorbonne Economic Centre) is a generalist Research Centre founded in January 2006. Its eight axes encompass approximately hundred and twenty lecturers-researchers and researchers in economics, mathematics and sociology. The range of the covered themes...

St Catherine's College, Oxford

St Catherine's College, which developed out of the St Catherine's Society, was founded in 1962. It is Oxford’s newest college and also one of its largest. This section of the website aims to offer an introduction to the college: its current staff, its procedures and policies, plus...

Stanford University, Department of Economics

The department's purposes are to acquaint students with the economic aspects of modern society, to familiarize them with techniques for the analysis of contemporary economic problems and to develop in them an ability to exercise judgment in evaluating public policy. There is training for the...

Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics

The Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) is one of Europe’s leading business schools, with a unique business community network, private funding and little dependence on government support. About 2,000 students are registered in programs at various levels (the executive...

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