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  • Italiano
Vanin, Paolo

Journal articles

Book chapters

Book reviews


University of Bologna, Department of Economics

The Department of Economics was established in 1983 as a consequence of the union between the institute of economics at the faculty of economics and the institute of economics at the faculty of political sciences. It is currently the largest department of economics in Italy and their members...


Antoci, Angelo

Angelo Antoci's articles from Ideas Antoci, Angelo & Galeotti, Marcello & Russu...

Buonanno, Paolo

I am assistant professor in the Department of Economics "Hyman P. Minsky" at the...

Durante, Ruben

Ruben Durante is Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics of Sciences Po University in...

Prarolo, Giovanni

Giovanni Prarolo is Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Bologna.

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