• English
  • Italiano
Neira, I., Portela, M., Vieira, E. (2010). Social Capital and growth in European regions. Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies 10 (2)

Theories of economic growth at the regional and national level, have expanded the traditional production function of the Solow model towards a wide function that collects conditioning factors of labour productivity, measured by R & D expenditure, the number of patents, the human capital, the social capital or entrepreneurship rates. This set of factors have been developed by authors like Westlund (2006) and Koo and Kim (2009). The aim of this paper is to analyze regional growth in the EU, considering the differences between the EU15 and its eastern regions, using such set of factors and taking into account the limitations of existing data for this type of analysis.


Neira Gòmez, Isabel

Isabel Neira Gómez es Profesora Titular perteneciente a la Sección de Econometría de la Facultad de CC Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Licenciada por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela en 1993 en Económicas y doctora...

Portela, Marta

Marta Portela holds a PhD in Quantitative Economics from the University of Santiago de Compostela. Her research interests include human capital, economic development, economic growth, social capital and subjective well-being. Selected publications Articles in Spanish refereed journals Portela,...

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