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Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD)

NSD is one of the largest archives for research data of its kind and provides data to researchers and students in Norway and abroad. Additionally, NSD is a resource centre, which assists researchers with regard to data gathering, data analysis, and issues of methodology, privacy and research ethics. The main objective is to improve possibilities and working conditions for empirical research that is primarily dependent on the access to data. To fulfil this objective NSD works to reduce financial, technical, legal and administrative barriers between users and data resources.

Within the fields NSD operates, three factors have been of crucial importance in making favourable conditions for accessing data:

  • The Research Council of Norway has provided the resources required for developing NSD as a national infrastructure facility for access to data for research.
  • Statistics Norway has chosen NSD as a channel for data dissemination for research.
  • The Norwegian Data Inspectorate has chosen NSD as its partner for implementation of the statutory data privacy requirements in the research community.

NSD is a Limited Company owned by the Ministry of Education and Research.

Data Services

NSD's data holdings provide information about the human society at different levels. The data are organised in four main categories: Individual Level Data, Regional Data, Data about Institutions and Data about the Political System.

Individual Level Data

Individual level data denote information about individuals, either contributed by the individuals themselves in surveys etc., or collected from registers. All individual level data are made available to users in anonymized form.
Individual Level Data

Regional Data

Regional data describe geographical units, i.e. census tracts, municipalities, counties, etc. or constitute aggregate data of individuals within such areas.
Regional Data

Data on the Political System

Data on the Political System contain information about institutions, persons and resources in the Norwegian political and civil service area.
Data on the Political System

Information on Research and Higher Education (DBH)

DBH contains data about organisation, subjects, students, employees, finances, floorage and research production for all universities and colleges in Norway. The database gives figures on resource utilisation and output.
Information on Research and Higher Education (DBH) (in Norwegian)


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