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European Values project Council of Program Directors

The highest European Values Survey authority is the Council of Program Directors (formerly called the EVS Steering Committee). All daily responsibilities are delegated to an Executive Committee, which actually is in charge of the project. The Program Directors convene in principle yearly and their main task is to discuss the general outlines of the EVS project and to approve the final questionnaire and the survey methodology.


Jaak Billiet


Loek Halman


Ilir Gedeshi (Albania)
Gevork Poghosyan (Armenia)
Paul Zulehner (Austria)
Tair Faradov (Azerbaijan)
David Rotman (Belarus)
Marc Swyngedouw (Belgium - Flanders)
Liliane Voyé (Belgium - Wallonia)
Georgy Fotev (Bulgaria)
Josip Baloban (Croatia)
Victor Roudometof (Cyprus)
Ladislav Rabusic (Czech Republic)
Peter Gundelach (Denmark)
Andrus Saar (Estonia)
Juhani Pehkonen (Finland)
Jean François Tchernia (France)
Merab Pachulia (Georgia)
Wolfgang Jagodzinski (Germany)
David Voas (Great Britain)
Aikaterini Gari (Greece)
Gergely Rosta (Hungary)
Michael Breen (Ireland)
Giancarlo Rovati (Italy)
Brigita Zepa (Latvia)
Rūta Žiliukaitė (Lithuania)
Pierre Hausman (Luxembourg)
Antoanela Petkovska (Macedonia)
Joseph Troisi (Malta)
Doru Petruti (Moldova)
Milos Besic (Montenegro)
Loek Halman (Netherlands)
Alan Smith (Northern Ireland)
Ola Listhaug (Norway)
Aleksandra Jasinka-Kania (Poland)
Jorge Vala (Portugal)
Malina Voicu (Romania)
Elena Bashkirova (Russia)
Stjepan Gredelj (Serbia)
Zuzana Kusá (Slovak Republic)
Niko Tos (Slovenia)
María Silvestre Cabrera (Spain)
Susanne Lundåsen (Sweden)
Dominique Joye (Switzerland)
Yilmaz Esmer (Turkey)
Olga Balakireva (Ukraine)


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