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Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences

The congress will take place on June 5-8, 2013, in Victoria, BC Canada. The deadline for submission is January 30, 2013.

Gone are the days when capitalist triumphalism celebrated cheap credit, computers, and venture capital as the building blocks of a new economy. The empire of capital that was going strong and global after the fall of Soviet communism now is on the edge of collapse, too. Its economy weighed down by piles of bad loans and junk bonds, its politics stuck in unwinnable wars overseas and faced with rising discontent at home, and its natural basis shaken by ecological destruction and climate change. The only reason it hasn’t fallen off the cliff is that nobody pushed it. The forces of opposition are disoriented. Some think their imagined communities of nations, races, or religion could shelter them against the hardships inflicted by empire’s efforts to preserve its accumulated power and wealth. Others say that another world is possible but avoid naming it. They are weighed down by the failures, horrors, and disappointments that statist socialism had produced in the 20th century. Not surprisingly, political upsurges remain short-lived and fragmented. The crisis of capitalism coincides with a crisis of the left. To get to the edge of a lasting upswing of struggles for progressive change, activists and scholars need to face experiences of the past and turn them into building blocks for an alternative future.

Therefore, the Society for Socialist Studies encourages proposals that review and examine:

  1. socialist experiences of the past
  2. the state of empire and the forces of opposition
  3. environmental conflict and crisis
  4. the economic crisis, the austerity agenda, and forms of resistance
  5. increasing state repression and popular xenophobia
  6. visions of and strategies for 21st century socialism

More generally, we invite proposals for papers, roundtables, and session addressing any aspect of the theme of “[email protected]”.

Proposals for Roundtables and Sessions:

At this point we are mainly interested in proposals for roundtables and sessions, which will then be posted on our website so that individuals can propose papers to all suggested sessions. Proposals for roundtables should include a list of participants. Unlike sessions they are not open for individual proposals. Abstracts (maximum of 100 words) for roundtable and session proposals should be submitted before December 15, 2012.

Proposals for Papers:

You can submit proposals for an individual paper at this point. The Programme Committee will try to find a place for it. Sessions open for individual proposals will be posted to our website as soon as they are accepted by the Programme Committee. Abstracts (maximum of 100 words) for paper proposals should be submitted before January 30, 2013.

Please note: The Society for Socialist Studies is committed to interdisciplinary work. Anyone suggesting a session, roundtable, or paper who is also affiliated with other associations participating in Congress [such as the Canadian Political Science Association] may think about cross-listing their proposals.

Please submit all proposals to: Ingo Schmidt, Programme Committee Chair, [email protected] 

The Society for Socialist Studies is an association of progressive academics, students, activists and members of the general public. Formed in 1967, the Society’s purpose is to facilitate and encourage research and analysis with an emphasis on socialist, feminist, anti-racist and ecological points of view. The Society publishes Socialist Studies/Etudes socialistes, a peer-reviewed, open-access, academic journal.

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