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Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity (JEOD)

The Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity (JEOD) is now accepting manuscript submissions. JEOD focuses on the subject of entrepreneurial diversity, encompassing therefore all enterprise types and models. JEOD seeks to serve as the principal outlet for theoretical and empirical research on the entrepreneurial phenomenon in its myriad of forms. We place strong emphasis on the determinants and the effects of entrepreneurial diversity as well as on comparisons between different types of enterprise and their aims. Further, JEOD welcomes research on diversity within particular forms (e.g., different ownership and governance models, companies organized to take social responsibility into account, entrepreneurial networks) as well as studies on new forms, such as social enterprises. Statistical and econometric models and applications are also welcome.

Editorial board

The Co-Chief Editors of JEOD are:

Please follow this link to see the full list of JEOD Scientific Committee and Editorial Board Members.

Abstracting and indexing

JEOD articles will be available online free of charge under the Creative Commons 3.0 Unported License. Papers will be indexed in SSRN (Social Science Research Network) and RePEc (Research Papers in Economics). It is our intention to apply for inclusion in the ISI Web of Knowledge database to the purpose of the calculation of the impact factor as soon as possible.

Aims and scope

JEOD publishes original research from the fields of economics and business studies, though contributions focusing on entrepreneurial diversity from the perspective of other disciplines are welcome as well. Papers connecting theory with reality and thereby addressing real world problems are particularly welcome.The journal features theoretical and empirical research on topics such as (but not limited to):

  • Theoretical analysis of any enterprise type, including (but not limited to) for-profits, SMEs, social enterprises, cooperatives, mutuals, nonprofits, foundations;
  • Theoretical analysis of any governance model, including models or practices of corporate social responsibility;
  • The role of entrepreneurial diversity and its influence on the functioning of economies, on market competition, employment and on other economic and social dimensions, such as social capital, social innovation, institutional context, and social and economic development;
  • Comparisons among different types of enterprise and across different national contexts along several dimensions, including economic and social impact, competitiveness, cohesion, and job creation;
  • Analysis of national and international regulations and whether they are coherent with the principles governing different types of enterprise;
  • Analysis of different entrepreneurial models and their evolution on a national, regional, and sectoral level;
  • Development patterns of different entrepreneurial forms and their interaction with the economic, social, and institutional environment;
  • Relationships between entrepreneurial styles and organizational performance on the one hand, and the motivations and behaviours of workers and consumers on the other;
  • Characteristics and roles played by networks of enterprises.
  • Statistical analyses and econometric models for the study entrepreneurial, employee and organizational diversity.
  • Definition and measurement of social capital, well-being and other phenomena potentially related to entrepreneurial diversity.


We accept electronic submissions via Editorial Manager at http://www.editorialmanager.com/jeod/. Please read our guidelines for authors for instructions on how to prepare a paper for submission.

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