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Madden, M., Zickuhr, K. (2011). 65% of online adults use social networking sites. Pew Internet & American Life Project

Fully 65% of adult internet users now say they use a social networking site like MySpace, Facebook or LinkedIn, up from 61% one year ago. This marks the first time in Pew Internet surveys that 50% of all adults use social networking sites.


Madden, Mary

Mary’s research for the Project has covered the evolution of online music and video, the rise of social media, and teenagers’ use of communication technologies. Her other research interests include intellectual property issues online, podcasting, online identity management, online...

Zickuhr, Kathryn

Kathryn updates the Pew Internet & American Life Project's website and maintains its presence on social media. Recently, she has written about how different generations use technology, as well as Americans' use of location-based services. Kathryn has been with the Project...

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