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National University of Ireland Galway, Centre for Innovation and Structural Change

The Centre for Innovation and Structural Change (CISC) is an inter-disciplinary research institute, based at J.E. Cairnes Business School of Business & Economic at National University of Ireland Galway, focused on building an internationally-recognised programme of research and education on innovation processes and policies that are fundamental to the development of a knowledge-based economy. CISC is one of the four major research institutes within NUI, Galway and it is aligned to the Applied Social Science and Public Policy thematic research priority. Established in 2002, CISC was initially awarded competitive funding under the third Irish Government’s Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions (PRTLI 3). Since then CISC has been awarded significant additional competitive funding both nationally and internationally. In 2007 CISC was awarded further funding under PRTLI 4 in collaboration with other institutional research centres and seven other Irish third level partners as part of the Irish Social Sciences Platform.

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