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The Shadow Economy, Tax Evasion and Social Norms

International Conference

The Shadow Economy, Tax Evasion and Social Norms

Organized by:
Institute of Public Economics
University of Münster
July 23 -26, 2009
Münster, Germany


Call for papers

Economists are analyzing issues such as the shadow economy, tax evasion, corruption or social benefit fraud since the late 1960s. These ongoing research efforts have contributed, among other things, to a better understanding of why such behavior patterns occur, what extend they may have, how they may be traced, how they can be handled and what their impact on welfare may be over time.

The conference aims at bringing together researchers working in these areas with a view to explore and discuss recent advances in the field and to increase awareness with respect to the subject in general.

Researchers working in these areas are therefore invited to submit papers or abstracts

Important dates

Submission Deadline
April 15, 2009

Notice of Acceptance
Before May 15, 2009

July 23 -26, 2009

Submissions of abstracts or full papers consistent with one of the conference topics, or their interaction, or with related issues such as corruption, social benefit fraud, etc. are welcome. Papers may be theoretical, empirical, experimental, agent-based, etc. Submissions can be made at any time, but should be made no later than April 15, 2009, to:


Acceptance for presentation will be communicated no later than May 15, 2009.

Keynote Speakers
Keynote speakers will give talks on specific topics of interest. They include Axel Dreher (University of Göttingen and KOF/ETH Zürich, Switzerland), John Duffy (University of Pittsburgh, USA) and Friedrich Schneider (University of Linz, Austria).

Papers presented at the conference may be submitted to the organizers in due course after the conference for possible inclusion into a conference volume, which will be published by a well known international publisher. The volume by Pickhardt and Shinnick (2008),  The Shadow Economy, Corruption and Governance may serve as an example.

The conference will take place at the University of Muenster (Münster), Germany. Münster is located in the northwest of Germany, near Dortmund and Bremen and fairly close to the Netherlands. Münster was founded in the year 805 and became well known when the Thirty Years War ended in 1648 as a result of a peace treaty signed in Münster`s town hall. Today, the restored city center with its arcades, churches, narrow alleys, lively squares, pubs and street cafes is popular with tourists and locals alike.

Münster can be reached via its international airport Münster/Osnabrück or, alternatively, via the airports of Bremen, Dortmund, Düsseldorf and Frankfurt. Münster is also well connected with the German high speed train system.

The conference is organized by Michael Pickhardt and Aloys Prinz, Institute of Public Economics, Münster School of Business and Economics, University of Muenster, Germany.

Please look at this conference homepage for further information, or contact the conference coordinators Laura Schneider and Sebastian Schleich at



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