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Non-Monetary Incentives and Economic Behavior

CISEPS - Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Economics, Psychology & Social Sciences organizes a workshop on Non-Monetary Incentives and Economic Behavior at the University of Milan -Bicocca on May 24, 2012. The aim of the workshop is to cover experiments dealing with economic behavior in different disciplines that use non‐monetary incentives for rewarding participants. We are interested also in work in progress, ideas and designs, in addition to completed experiments. The deadline for submitting a paper is March 10, 2012. Photo from Marting Gommel from Flickr.

That motivations for human behavior are more complex than responding to monetary incentives is not a controversial issue among social scientists, economists included. The observation of everyday life and data from different cultural contexts and domains indicate that human beings, even in strict or typical economic matters (such as buying and selling, occupational choices, …), are ideological, emotional and symbolic animals driven by much
more that maximization of material or monetary payoffs. In economic behavior, intentions, motivations, sentiments, and social norms play an important role for the actual choices of people. This has been clear and uncontroversial in most of social science, but in the last decades also research in economics is more and more showing the existence and importance of social preferences. Issues such as trust, reciprocity, esteem, envy, regret, shame, intrinsic motivation are becoming key topics in even mainstream literature.

Nevertheless, experimental economics generally uses monetary payoff in order to reward agents (students in particular), even when the issues studied in the lab involve dimensions of human behaviour intertwined with psychological, social and emotional elements, such as the role of intentions and emotions. Perhaps, however, new forms of non‐monetary payoffs have to be introduced, included the issue of awards. This is the research question of our call for papers. Our aim is to cover experiments dealing with economic behavior in different disciplines that use non‐monetary incentives for rewarding participants. We are interested also in work in progress, ideas and designs, in addition to completed experiments.

Proposals of less than 500 words, focusing on the specific issue of the workshop, should be sent to: [email protected]

Deadline for proposals: March 10, 2012
Reply to proposals: March 31, 2012



University of Milano-Bicocca, CISEPS

CISEPS is an interdisciplinary research centre at the University of Milan Bicocca

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