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Economic Insecurity: Measurement, Causes and Policy Implications

The 2011 IARIW-OECD Conference on Economic Insecurity will take place Nov. 22-23, 2011 at the OECD Conference Centre in Paris, France. The preliminary programme is now available.

Invited speakers

Anthony Atkinson (to be confirmed)

Cesar Calvo (University of Piura, Peru)

Jacob Hacker (Yale University, United States)

Avner Offer (Oxford University, United Kingdom)

Session 1: Measuring Insecurity

Chair: To be announced.

1. Lars Osberg (Dalhousie University, Canada) and Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the Study of Living Standards, Canada), Measuring Economic Insecurity in Rich and Poor Nations

2. Conchita D’Ambrosio (Universita di Milano-Bicocca, Italy) and Walter Bossert (University of Montreal, Canada), Measuring Economic Insecurity

3. Nicholas Rohde (Griffith University, Australia), Kam Ki Tangb (University of Queensland, Australia) and D.S. Prasada Rao (University of Queensland, Australia), Income Volatility and Insecurity in the U.S., Germany and Britain

4. Martina Celidoni (University of Padova, Italy), Vulnerability to Poverty: An Empirical Comparison of Alternative Measures

Session 2: Economic Vulnerability: Evidence from Selected OECD Countries

Chair: To be announced.

1. Brian Bucks (Federal Reserve Board, United States), Economic Vulnerability in the United States: Measurement and Trends

2. Jesus Perez-Mayo (Universidad de Extremadura, Spain), Vulnerability in Spain: Before and During Crisis

3. Francesca Modena (University of Trento, Italy), Concetta Rondinelli (Bank of Italy), and Fabio Sabatini (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy), Economic Insecurity and Fertility: The Case of Italy

Session 3: Economic Insecurity in Eastern Countries

Chair: To be announced.

1. Irina Soboleva (Institute of Economy, Russian Academy of Sciences), Work-Related Security in the Post-Soviet Russia: Indicators, Trends and Factors

2. Artjoms Ivlevs (University of the West of England, United Kingdom), Economic Insecurity in Transition: Evidence from a Recent Survey

3. Maria Piotrowska (Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland), Middle- Class Financial-Security Index: Investigating the Level of Financial Security Experienced by Middle-Class Families in Poland over 1999-2009

Session 4: Job and Earnings Insecurity

Chair: To be announced.

1. Gabriella Berloffa (University of Trento, Italy), Francesca Modena (University of Trento, Italy) and Paola Villa (University of Trento, Italy), Measuring (In)Security in the Event of Unemployment: Are We Forgetting Someone?

2. Denisa Maria Sologon (CEPS/INSTEAD, Luxembourg) and Cathal O'Donoghue (Rural Economy Research Centre, Teagasc, Ireland), Shaping Earnings Volatility: Labour Market Policy and Institutional Factors

3. Carlos M. Gradín (Universidade de Vigo, Spain), Olga Cantó (Instituto de Estudios Fiscales and Universidade de Vigo, Spain) and Coral del Río (Universidade de Vigo, Spain), Measuring Employment Deprivation among Households in the EU

Session 5: Expectations about Economic Insecurity

Chair: To be announced.

1. Jorge R. Friedman (Universidad de Santiago de Chile), Carlos F. Yevenes (Universidad de Santiago de Chile) and Javier Espinoza (Universidad de Santiago de Chile), Weighting the Importance of Health, Income, Employment and Wealth Shocks over Household Expectations in Chile

2. Ethan Ligon (University of California- Berkeley, United States) and Felix Povel (Development Economics Research Group, Germany), Vulnerability to Downside Risk in Developing Countries: What Can Subjective Probabilities Tell Us?

Session 6: Policies to Protect against Insecurity

Chair: To be announced.

1. Francesco Figari (ISER, University of Essex, United Kingdom and University of Insubria, Italy) and Holly Sutherland (ISER, University of Essex, United Kingdom), Unemployment, Inactivity and Economic Crisis: Stress Testing the Welfare Systems in Europe

2. Silvia Avram (European University Institute), Public Minimum Income Support Schemes and Processes of Asset Accumulation in Central and Eastern Europe


A special issue of the IARIW's journal, the Review of Income and Wealth, containing selected papers from the conference will be published in 2012.

Those persons interested in presenting a paper should send a detailed abstract (or completed paper) to [email protected] by February 28, 2011 – the conference schedule will be finalized by April 1, 2011. Some financial assistance for participating in the conference is available for presenters. If assistance is needed, please indicate in the proposal.

The Organizing Committee for the conference is composed by Romina Boarini (OECD) [email protected], Conchita D’Ambrosio (Università di Milano-Bicocca and DIW Berlin) [email protected], Marco Mira d’Ercole (OECD) [email protected] and Lars Osberg (Dalhousie University) [email protected].


International Association for Research in Income and Wealth

The International Association for Research in Income and Wealth has as its major interests: the furthering of research on national and economic and social accounting, including the development of concepts and definitions for the measurement and analysis of income and wealth; the...

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