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Sichuan University

Sichuan University is one of China’s key universities under the direct supervision of Ministry of Education. Located in West China, it is identified as a key high-level comprehensive research university under Project 985 and Project 211. The CPC Committee Secretary of the University is...

Simon Fraser University, School for International Studies

Established in 2007, the School for International Studies is located in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. It is one of very few centres in Canada offering interdisciplinary research and teaching on international affairs. Drawing from the disciplines of Economics, Comparative Politics and...

SIR - SCImago Institutions Ranking

Scimago Institutions Rankings is a science evaluation resource to assess worldwide universities and research-focused institutions. The ranking tools and reports measure research activity of worldwide institutions having noteworthy scientific output, including universities, government agencies,...

SOAS International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE)

IIPPE was founded in 2006 with the aim of promoting political economy in and of itself but also through critical and constructive engagement with mainstream economics, heterodox alternatives, interdisciplinarity, and activism understood broadly as ranging across formulating progressive policy...

Social Capital Foundation

The Social Capital Foundation (TSCF) is an independent institution, free of any established political or economic interest. Its policies and decisions are sovereign and with no recourse. It does not receive support from governments, nor does it contribute to their funding. It is not for profit....

Social Science Research Council, The Media Research Hub

The Media Research Hub is part of the SSRC's Necessary Knowledge for a Democratic Public Sphere program, which works to ensure that debates about media and communications technologies are shaped by high-quality research and a rich understanding of the public interest. The program is...

Social Sciences Research Society (SoSReS)

The Social Sciences Research Society (SoSReS) is an independent, not-for-profit research organization. The (SoSReS) promotes inter-disciplinary as well as multi-disciplinary research that addresses complex national and international social, economic, political, demographic, ecological etc....

Society for Socialist Studies

The Society for Socialist Studies (SSS) is an association of progressive academics, students, activists and members of the general public. Formed in 1967, the Society''s purpose is to facilitate and encourage research and analysis with an emphasis on socialist, feminist, anti-racist and...

Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE)

SABE, founded in 1982, is an association of scholars who are committed to rigorous economic analysis and are interested in learning how other disciplines—e.g. psychology, sociology, anthropology, history, political science, and biology--further our understanding of economic behavior. An...

Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ)

The Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ) has been founded in Palma de Mallorca in July 2005 as a not-for-profit association supporting the study of economic inequality and related fields (see list of founding members). The aims of the Society are: To provide an international...

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