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National University of Ireland Galway, Centre for Innovation and Structural Change

The Centre for Innovation and Structural Change (CISC) is an inter-disciplinary research institute, based at J.E. Cairnes Business School of Business & Economic at National University of Ireland Galway, focused on building an internationally-recognised programme of research and education on...

National University of Ireland, School of Political Science and Sociology

he School is dynamic, innovative and internationally recognised for its research, teaching and service to its students and to wider communities. We offer a wide range of taught undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, which provide students with the knowledge and skills required for varied career...

National University of Ireland, School of Political Science and Sociology

he School is dynamic, innovative and internationally recognised for its research, teaching and service to its students and to wider communities. We offer a wide range of taught undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, which provide students with the knowledge and skills required for varied career...

Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis

CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB) was founded in 1945. Research at CPB is carried out on CPB’s own initiative, or at the request of the government, parliament, individual members of parliament, national trade unions or employers federations. CPB works at the crossroads...

Network of European Peace Scientists

"The Network of European Peace Scientists is a network of scholars committed to the advancement of Peace Research in Europe. In line with Peace Science tradition, the NEPS welcomes scholars from an interdisciplinary community from a variety of disciplines such as economics, political science,...

North-South Center for Social Sciences (NRCS)

About NRCS The North-South Research Center for Social Sciences (NRCS) is a research institution founded by a group of researchers and experts from both Northern and Southern countries as an independent entity, with no political or state affiliation. Based in Morocco, NRCS aims to...

Northeastern University, Department of Philosophy and Religion

The Philosophy & Religion Department offers a variety of courses and programs in both Philosophy and Religious Studies. Philosophy is a broad and varied field of inquiry. It encompasses ideas and issues in every domain of human experience and intersects with virtually every intellectual...

Northwestern University, Kellog School of Management

Our purpose is to educate, equip and inspire leaders who build strong organizations and wisely leverage the power of markets for the betterment of all. The world will know us for: Our grounded wisdom that marries the power of analytics and people; Our courageous and collaborative spirit...

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