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Civil society and social capital

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Hooghe, M., Stolle, D. (Eds) (2004). Generating Social Capital: Civil Society and Institutions in Comparative Perspective. New York: Palgrave

Social capital - networks of civic engagements, norms of reciprocity, and attitudes of trust - is...

Huntoon, L. (2001). Government use of nonprofit organizations to build social capital. Journal of Socio-Economics 30 (2), 157-160.

This paper discusses the government use of nonprofit organizations to build social capital....

Iglič, H. (2010). Voluntary Associations and Tolerance: An Ambiguous Relationship. American Behavioral Scientist 53 (5), 717-736.

In the debate on social capital, it is usually assumed that membership in voluntary associations is...

Mondal, A. H. (2001). Social capital formation: The role of NGO rural development programs in Bangladesh. Policy Sciences 33, 459-475.

Social capital can be generated by the expectations of the rural poor who are victimized by...

Paxton, P. (2007). Association Memberships and Generalized Trust: A Multilevel Model Across 31 Countries. Social Forces 86, 47-76

This paper presents a large-scale, comprehensive test of generalized trust across 31 nations. I...

Small, M. L. (2004). Villa Victoria: The Transformation of Social Capital in a Boston Barrio. Chicago: University of Chicago Press

Villa Victoria examines how of a group of low-income Puerto Rican migrants with little formal...

Van Deth, J. W. (2010). Participation in Voluntary Associations: Dark Shades in a Sunny World? American Behavioral Scientist 53 (5), 640-656.

The benevolent consequences of social capital are clearly related to membership in voluntary...

Wang, L., Graddy, E., (2009). Social Capital, Volunteering, and Charitable Giving. Voluntas 19 (1), 23-42.

This paper explores the impact of social capital—measured by social trust and social networks...

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