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  • Italiano
Tackling the Determinants of Health

Organized by the
Public Health Association of Australia
25 -27 September 2006
Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre
Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW



Conference Theme

The overarching theme for the conference is tackling the determinants of health. This theme focuses on upstream determinants of health (macro or big picture) conditions at a population level, and inequalities in outcomes at a community, national and international level.

Main theme

Housing and the built environment covers the provision of functional and adequate housing and environment that promotes the physical, social and mental health of communities. Innovative and creative papers are sought that demonstrate strategies that have resulted in improved conditions for healthy living including social interactions and social capital.

Other themes

The physical environment
The effect on the health of societies, communities, or other population groups of industry, including global warming, air and water quality, waste management including recycling, extinction of plant and animal species, and issues of environmental sustainability. We are seeking papers on innovative and creative strategies that address health problems produced by the physical environment focusing on the upstream determinants of a harmful environment, the prevention of health problems, and the promotion of a healthy sustainable environment.

Community mobilisation
Ways of bringing people together to tackle the determinants of health by creating a sense of unity, ownership and self-control. Papers are sought on how we empower people to overcome their differences and begin a dialogue on an equal basis to determine issues that affect their community. Innovative and creative strategies that demonstrate participation where communities have taken an active role in determining their own destiny. This may be through decision-making, choosing, planning, implementing, managing, monitoring and controlling a community project or program.

Communities and social cohesion
Communities and social cohesion will give registrants the chance to discuss the worst of crimes, poverty, in the light of what communities may be able to do. A civil society relies on the rights of all minorities and the needs of a civil society must include participatory democracy. Papers on projects are sought that enhance social cohesion, participatory democracy, empower communities and improve equity of opportunity.

Access to affordable, safe, nutritious, high quality and appropriate food is an important determinant of health, development and wellbeing for individuals, families and groups throughout the life cycle. The influences on food security and distribution are social, political and economic. Papers are being sought that demonstrate how the determinants of health are influenced by and influence food security.

Paper Submission

The deadline of submission is 1 April 2006.

Abstract Requirements

• All intended presentations require the submission of an abstract. Submitting authors are to nominate their first and second choice of theme for each presentation from the six main conference themes

• Within each main theme the committee is interested in presentations that incorporate one of the sub-themes

• All abstracts are to be submitted electronically. The method of submission will be published on the PHAA website: www.phaa.net.au. Please check for updates. All abstracts will be subject to peer review

• If there is more than one presenter, all correspondence will be sent to the first presenter nominated in the abstract

• Guidelines for preparation of posters will be provided once abstracts have been accepted

Presenters will be notified of acceptance by late May 2006. All correspondence will be sent to the first named presenter only



Australian National University, Research School of Economics

The Research School of Economics was created in 2010 by merging the former School of Economics, the Economics Program in the Research School of Social Sciences and the Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis. Uniting these institutes has created an outstanding group of scholars with expertise...

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