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Developments in Economic Theory and Policy


Call for papers

Although papers are invited on all areas of economics, the Conference there will be Plenary Sessions with Invited Speakers about the following topics:

Land and Agricultural Environment

Financialisation and the Transformation of Financial Systems

Festschrift for Geoff Harcourt: The Political Economy of an Australian Patriot and a Cambridge Economist

Suggestions for ‘Organized Sessions’ are encouraged. An Organized Session is one session constructed in its entirety by a Session Organizer and submitted to the conference organizers as a complete package. Session organizers must provide the following information:

Title of the session, name and affiliation of the organizer, name and affiliation of chair (if different than organizer)

Titles of the papers, name(s) and affiliation(s) of author(s)

In addition, contact information must be provided for each participant (name, address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address).

Besides, plenary, organized and normal sessions there will also be graduate student sessions (i.e., students currently making a MSc or a PhD programme). In these parallel sessions, students can present their research and discuss that of other students. Participants in graduate student sessions will have to pay a lower conference fee. Please provide proof of status at the time of payment; this can consist of proof of enrolment or a letter from the department chair.

The deadline to submit papers and ‘Organized Sessions’ is May 31, 2010.

For more information, you can contact with Maribel Garcia-del-Valle ([email protected] ) or Jesus Ferreiro ([email protected]), or visit the website www.conferencedevelopments.com


Papers are invited on all topics on economics. Accepted papers will be grouped in sessions, with each session consisting of three papers.

The final deadline to submit papers and proposals of ‘Organized Sessions’ is May 31, 2010.

he Scientific Committee will review and select papers and sessions submitted for the Conference. Acceptance letters will be sent out by e-mail not later than fifteen days after the submission of the paper.

Papers and proposals of Organized Sessions must be sent to Jesus Ferreiro: [email protected]


University of the Basque Country, Department of Applied Economics V

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