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6th Conference of the International Society for Research on Innovation and Change in Health Care Systems

The 6th ISRICH conference will be held in Paris on 26 & 27th of April 2012. The principal themes of study are: 1) What are the consequences of the new world order when it comes to health? 2) What are the consequences of the specialization of territories or regions in each health care sector? 3) What are the new material and symbolic boundaries of care, and what is their impact on patients, health professionals, and the practice of health care itself? The International Society for Research on Innovation and Change in Health Care Systems (ISRICH) is an initiative of researchers in various countries who wish to exchange research results and national & international experiences on a regular basis. Photo by Hamed Saber from Flickr.


The International Society for Research on Innovation and Change in Health Care Systems (ISRICH) is an initiative of researchers in various countries who wish to exchange research results and national & international experiences on a regular basis. Their main interest is to explain the factors that affect the evolution of health care systems and their interaction with the wider environment in society, politics and culture.

This conference has been organized in association with:

  • European Business School, Paris
  • Université de Caen Basse Normandie (UCBN).
  • Université de Paris 13
  • Pôle Risques, MRSH UCBN.
  • Centre d’Études et de Recherche sur les Risques et Vulnérabilités (CERReV EA 3918).
  • CEPN – CNRS, Université de Paris 13
  • CR2S-Management, IGS, Paris
  • Institut Européen des Affaires (IEA), Paris
  • Institut Européen du Management Social (IEMS), Paris.

Call for papers

For over thirty years, the creation of transnational health groups and the global dissemination of medical innovations have profoundly changed the health care systems that were originally built on national or local bases.

Many countries, including Tunisia, Hungary, Thailand and recently India, have chosen to make heath care a developmental priority, which has resulted in diverse benefits for their respective territories and for mankind. What is the projected impact of the varied public policies in these regions? Does innovation really play a role in the improvement of health care systems?

Faced with requests for adaptations in this sector (e.g., management arrival, budgetary constraints, professional “crises”), different national and local adaptation strategies have been tested. Is the globalization of health care subject to the development of regions or, on the contrary, does it participate in the development of regions?

Alongside regions, patients and health care professionals must integrate with these developments. How do health professionals involved in this new landscape of health care position themselves? What adaptation strategies have they effectively put in place?

The principal themes of study are:

  1. What are the consequences of the new world order when it comes to health?
  2. What are the consequences of the specialization of territories or regions in each health care sector?
  3. What are the new material and symbolic boundaries of care, and what is their impact on patients, health professionals, and the practice of health care itself?

Website for the conference:

Information regarding the conference proceedings will be available on the following website: http://www.isrich.eu.

Scientific committee

  • President : Bertrand Pauget, Professeur, EBS Paris, France.
  • Co-président : Ali Smida, A2ID, CR2S-Management, CEPN-CNRS, Université de Paris 13, PRES Paris-Cité-Sorbonne, France.
  • Rajat Acharyya, titulaire de la chaire du département économie, Jadavpur, Calcutta, India.
  • Thomas Grebel, Friedrich-Schiller, University of Jena, Germany.
  • Bernard Cadet, Professeur émérite, A2ID, CR2S-Management, Université de Caen - Basse Normandie, France.
  • Alina Gomez, A2ID, CR2S-Management, Université Javeriana Cali, Colombie.
  • Henk Hadders, Univnersity of Gronigen, The Netherlands.

Paper submission:

Invitation to the conference is based on a paper of around 20 pages. The paper must include information on the relevant theories being tested, methodology, data, and (expected) results. The proposal must provide a concise title, author details, mailing address, telephone numbers and e-mail address.
Send papers to: bertrandpauget at ebs-paris.com before February 25th 2012.

Important dates:
March15th 2011: Notification of rejection or acceptation of the papers to the conference
April 20th 2011:  Deadline for registration & payment of fees for the conference

Conference fees:
Conference fees are 100 € to be paid to the account of the scientific committee. They include coffee breaks, lunch (26 & 27th of april), and the conference dinner (26th of april).


International Society for Research on Innovation and Change in Health Care Systems (ISRICH)

The International Society for Research on Innovation and Change in Health Care Systems (ISRICH) is an initiative of researchers in various countries who wish to exchange research results and national experiences on a regular basis and in an institutionalized setting. Their main interest is to...


6th Conference of the International Society for Research on Innovation and Change in Health Care Systems

The 6th ISRICH conference will be held in Paris on 26 & 27th of April 2012. The principal themes of study are: 1) What are the consequences of the new world order when it comes to health? 2) What are the consequences of the specialization of territories or regions in each health care sector? 3...

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