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University of Sydney, School of Economics

Economics at Sydney has long-standing strengths in all the major areas of economics, as is expected of one of the leading economics departments in Australia. Our teaching is based on a willingness to go beyond any one theoretical perspective to provide students with a broad understanding of the study of economics.

Our research interests have a particular emphasis on: strategic behaviour, game theory, economic development, structural change, industrial organisation and policy, international trade and finance, open economy macroeconomics, labour economics, behavioural and experimental economics, and housing. There is a strong emphasis on both theoretical developments and applied issues. As economic policy and economic events play a central role in shaping the broad framework of work and society at every level, Economics at Sydney is involved in research and policy analysis in many crucial policy areas and issues.

Central to the strength and influence of Economics at Sydney is our undergraduate honours program and our coursework Masters program. Both of these advanced programs have two key elements: a critical appreciation of the theoretical underpinnings of the discipline; and an applied economics character dealing with contemporary issues.

Our graduates go on to specialist positions in Treasury, the Reserve Bank, other policy departments across the Commonwealth and state governments, international agencies, the financial markets and financial institutions, to head office roles in the corporate world, and to key positions in the not-for-profit sector.

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