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The use of survey data to study well-being and economic outcomes

The session "The use of survey data to study well-being and economic outcomes" will take place within the 6th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA) on 13th-17th July 2015 in Reykjavik, Iceland. The closing date for submission of paper proposals is 15 January 2015.

Despite the popularity of well-being measures in economic studies, the relation between subjective well-being and economic performance is still an open issue.

Several empirical studies based on survey data collected on individuals suggest that happier people are more productive and more committed to their work. Happier workers are more pragmatic, less absent, more cooperative and friendly (Bateman and Organ, 1983; Judge et al., 2001) change their job less often and they are more accurate and willing to help others (Spector, 1997). Moreover, happier people earn more money and have better relationships with colleagues and clients, all aspects that contribute to work productivity (George and Brief, 1992; Pavot and Diener, 1993; Wright and Cropanzano, 2000). These results have been confirmed also in experimental settings (Oswald et al., 2009). Further evidence suggests that increased life satisfaction has a positive impact on firms’ economic outcomes (Edmans, 2012).

However, the evidence on the relation between well-being and economic performance is not conclusive. For example, this literature would benefit from new analysis linking survey data to auxiliary data sources on economic outcomes as well as from widening the scope of economic indicators used (Dimaria et al. 2014).

This session aims at collecting contributions analysing the role of well-being and/or job satisfaction on economic outcomes.
We welcome applications on life satisfaction, job satisfaction, productivity, entrepreneurship, innovation, employment, inequality, economic growth.


To submit a presentation abstract, go to the url http://www.europeansurveyresearch.org/conference, sign up or log in to your ESRA account, click "Submit a paper abstract" and follow the instructions. You may submit a maximum of two papers on which you are enlisted as presenting author.


European Survey Research Association

The European Survey Research Association was established in 2008 to provide coordination in the field of survey research in Europe and to foster and enhance links between European survey researchers and their colleagues in other parts of the world. The core mission of ESRA is, therefore, to...

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