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Research Fellowship (Assegno di Ricerca) at the University of Bologna - Justice and territory: analysis of new networking phenomena among courts of justice and agencies and institutions of the territory

In the Italian justice are emerging a number of new forms of collaboration and partner-ship among tribunals and local/national agencies and institutions. These phenomena of “networking”, which often arise and are institutionalized in form of boards, foundations or understanding protocols, represent a unique opportunity to rethink to the function-ing of the courts of justice. These "connections", in fact, could signify a possible "revolution" of the old way of conceiving, designing and governing justice in our country. In light of the literature on interorganizational networks, especially on the public ambit, this research aims to map, classify and assess the various experiences of networking among courts of justice and agencies and institutions of the territory that are spreading in our country.

Descrizione in italiano

Nel panorama della giustizia italiana stanno emergendo una pluralità di nuove forme di collaborazione e partnership tra tribunali ed enti e istituzioni nazionali e locali. Questi fenomeni di “networking”, che spesso nascono e si istituzionalizzano sottoforma di ta-voli, fondazioni o protocolli d’intesa, si configurano un’occasione unica per ripensare al funzionamento degli uffici giudiziari. Tali “connessioni”, infatti, rappresentano una possibile “rivoluzione” dell’antico modo di concepire, progettare e governare la giustizia nel nostro Paese. Alla luce della letteratura sui reticoli interorganizzativi, specialmente in ambito pubblico, questa ricerca intende mappare, classificare e valutare le diverse esperienze di networking tra tribunali ed enti e istituzioni del territorio che si stanno diffondendo nel nostro Paese.

Website for application: http://bandi.miur.it/bandi.php/public/fellowship/id_fellow/4142


University of Bologna, Department of Politics, Institutions, History

The Department, founded in 1982, addresses all forms of politics-related issues, using an approach that blends historical, political and juridical analyses, applying a comparative method of enquiry to its research activities. The Department of Politics, Institutions, History of the University of...

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